South Sudan on the brink of famine after historic floods

ABC News’ David Muir travels to South Sudan, where more than 1 million people now experience severe food insecurity in the wake of the worst flooding since the 1960s. WATCH THE FULL EPISODES OF THE WORLD NEWS TONIGHT: https :// WATCH THE WORLD NEWS TONIGHT ON HULU: #worldnewstonight #abcnews #sudan #southsudan #flood #floods #famine

Original source (ABC/Youtube)


  1. Why are they having so many children when they have no food? So cruel. Situation will get worse.

  2. This is the tragedy of africa and all because the people do not develop their own countries due to ignorance,laziness and then expect the EU .US etc to assist them
    Africa is to useless to develop themselves. I do not have much sympathy for them
    If they have had water for the last four years why do they not plant vegetables

  3. There is drought and floods at the same time…

  4. Why doesn't anyone donate a ton of fishing poles?? There's fish in that water right? Some kind of animal to catch. Maybe invite in an invasive species of fish they can FEAST on. Seems like the water is staying at this point.

  5. When government dont efucate there citizens its because the government want them dead there is no climate change just climate manipulation by government .cowards run our world education is the answer to polulation control not genocide by de eiveing the public of the truth

  6. Reunite sudan it would fix all the problems

  7. This is what chemical weapons were invented for..

  8. The USA goes around the world helping everyone but African people. Unforgivable!

  9. Absolutely awesome segment, David. Glad y'all posted the "whole" segment. Watched this while most people are sleeping, and it haunted me, all day. I watch so much, it took me a minute or two to remember who reported it, sorry. So sad, it breaks the heart. Climate change? Starving people.. Last I heard most of one political party here in the US denies it is even true. Before I go off the deep end, I will shut up. Thank you David. #worldnewstonight #flooding

  10. There is a genocidal Civil War going on in South Sudan, Climate change is the least of their problems.

  11. STOP having children when you know that you cant feed them

  12. Thank you David for reporting the situation in Sudan. Thank for caring. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  13. We should do nothing their government should step up. We as Americans should hold them responsible they have a duty to Cecile not us. Why does everybody have to come to us do US when they need help? Why isn’t Russia helping them? Why isn’t China helping them? Oh that’s right they’re communist countries. Everybody wants to come to the United States of America because we are kind hearted fucking dumbasses, instead of helping them hold their country responsible

  14. πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ˜’πŸ’”πŸ˜‘

  15. I'm sending my donation ASAP to the nutritional aid program for S Sudan.

  16. 5:30 The mother looks like a teen. Why are these poor people having children they can't provide for? Include birth control with medical supplies.

  17. Dear Holy Trinity please help and save and bless and support and provide for South Sudan please give them help give them strength and miracles and good health And deliverance in Jesus name amen

  18. Dear Lord please save south Sudan please rescue them and deliver them from their fears please fight for south Sudan and help them and supply all of their needs according to your riches in glory in Jesus name amen

  19. Dear Lord please help the nations to help Sudan in Jesus name amen

  20. Dear Lords please help Americans to help Sudan in Jesus name amen

  21. Dear Lord please bless Sudans people with strength and food and healing and good health please send them help and miracles and food and water and shelter in Jesus name amen