1. No more powerful rocket, it burned too much fuel contributing to climate change, we need to protect our MOTHER EARTH.

  2. Don't think it's destroyed….i think it exploded right after it wasn't visible so that we THINK it's destroyed and they will do their business undercover…

  3. This is a typical Elon marketing ploy. The expensive destructive drama pays off well apparently.

  4. The sheepeople clap at anything….

  5. It was beautiful I cried- the future of mankind

  6. Everything Musk makes catches fire

  7. Plot twist: there was a crew of 6 people inside the rocket.

  8. It needs the " axis spin" CP CG rotation …spin it on the Axis…after launch…

  9. And people still believe we made it to the moon! Lol

  10. It was a great success, they accomplished their main goal of clearing and tower and they got some pretty crazy data from the launch. The news will make you think it failed but it didnt

  11. Millions of dollars wasted right there! Expensive fireworks at the expense of the American taxpayer!

  12. There is no sense to occupy one more planet and make the same disaster on it!

  13. Xavier forgot to tighten the fuel pipe .

  14. I wonder what will comments be if this happened to China or Russian launched rockets?

  15. Maybe Elon should send emeralds to Mars instead of people.

  16. Was that insured? Or was it too risky,and they lost money?

  17. I don't know what she meant with Icing on the Cake…Elon musk is a Genius and her best Idea still to far for one to be interested on

  18. Millions of wasted dollars. Smh

  19. Idk it didnt look like an explosion to me, it gave more of an effect when a boat smashes onto water

  20. This is what happens when you fire everybody at spacex except two people.

  21. I see Elon is making rockets with the same mechanical quality as Tesla.

  22. Wow people brought politics over into a space launch and are so ridiculous they don't know or realize this is a test flight….Getting a 40 story building to launch off the ground was a success….Now we move forward to part 2….Very sad state of America

  23. It didnt blow up. They used the flight termination system after the starship failed to separate from the super heavy booster.

  24. Piece of junk will NEVER carry humans

  25. 400.000.000 people are starving what a waste of money and destruction to the ozone

  26. Musk was riding the tip of the rocket like a boss….way to go douche bag

  27. Épá… esqueceram de enviar extintores. Com isto pensa-se a Marte? Kkkkkkkkkkk

  28. It's clearly a successful test not a failure 🚀 even tho they all created history by lifting of that humungous amount of weight

  29. Why did they have to blow it up,?
    I guess climate change really doesn't matter

  30. Bro I hate that we are no using nuclear engines for this like I know is really harmful but the more u make mistakes the better u get at something