Retired NASA astronaut and aviation expert Cady Coleman discusses the launch and what led up to the explosion. WATCH the live stream of ABC News here: SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: Watch more at http://abcnews.go. com/ LIKE ABC News on FACEBOOK FOLLOW ABC News on TWITTER: #Spacex #StarshipRocket #Explodes #ABCNLUpdate
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Lol he tried so hard to spin it upside down 😂
Should've been Bidens ride to space
# The U.S. will face confusion in the future if it does not relocate its tactical nuclear weapons under the pretext of protecting U.S. troops and their families here.
Huge successss!..
It reminded me "The Lord of the rings", when dwarf Gimly fell off the horse, quickly jumped up and shouted: "It was deliberate, it was deliberate!" – trying to convince people around :))
Sabotage by aliens 😔
😂😂😂 what a joke
The government would put better money to use making Sci-Fi movies than they would throwing money away on these pipe dream experiments.
Thats what i call elite space club😂😂💥💥
Elon said he did not want anyone finding it after reentry. So probable they accomplished the milestones they wanted to, then hit the self-distruct button
It seemed to really labor clearing the pad. Also a number of flashes in the exhaust as it picked up speed. Almost like detonations. That thrust should be smooth and continuous. Something was amiss with those engines.
Uh huh, as space x predicted would happen.
this reporter is so negative and this lady Cody is telling it like it is
The report says , that's a new twist….. obviously, this reporter has no idea.
Obviously, the news team did not understand the significance of this test flight. They sounded as if the test failed, when experts view it as a huge success.
Tesla self-drive software failure.
None of the Democrat coup media conglomerates are reporting on the massive influx of male Chinese Nationals possible members of the Red Army Crossing our Southern borders!!!! This is bullshite the Democrats and their coup need to be held accountable they need to answer for this unexcusable breach of security!!!! This needs to stop
The Iron Man movie franchise already explains everything.
ओह माई गॉड बहुत ही दुखद समाचार है
Elon failed to get it up again.