‘STICKS TO THE CARDS’: McCarthy details what Biden’s really like behind closed doors

Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy reacts to Mitch McConnell’s resignation and more on ‘The Bottom Line.’ 

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  1. McCarthy, why are you whispering when speaking about Biden as if you are walking on egg shells or a land mine ? This. alone speaks for itself.😮😅

  2. Biden needs to drink more vodka like nancy

  3. McCarthy is a Rhino and so is Rhonda Mc! Swamp creatures

  4. They all NEED term limits!!!

  5. He has served himself and his family period.

  6. This guy is a stinkin Rino🎉


  8. When is he going to flip to the Democratic Party and run in California?

  9. Again, equating age with cognitive ability is misinformation (as in propaganda) – the ONLY reason Democrat operatives are promoting that Joe is too old (as opposed to too cognitively incompetent) to be President is because Donald Trump is close to Biden's age, that's all – it will be a weapon to use against Trump.

  10. If Biden was mentally able to run for president, then he is mentally able to stand trial for his crimes…..

  11. This loon gets up everyday hoping the R's will fail and kamala will run the house. That is how sick a puppy he is. I actually thought he was doing a good job till he ran out clock on the debt issue. Working with Schumer mcC and Biden. To get along and he got caught and called out. Couldnt wait to take his marbles and go home. End up with a cushy job on K street. What a loser. You find out aout people when they get rejected. Either they improve or they whine and go home. McC went with the latter and really hurt the R's who he could care less about, Time to cash in. Him and Frank make a good pair.

  12. The SCOTUS is 6 to 3. Anyone bragging about McConnel and Romney loon. The big baby had to crawl away back home. What a suck. At least he has Biden figured out

  13. Howard Dean is an idiot!

  14. The One and only traitor that's all he should be known as whether you like it or not

  15. Fox is responsible for fueling the rage in our country! That's why they have been sued so many times. Fox has absolutely no desire to help calm down the anger in our country. They just want chaos and hatred and fascism to rule. Please, try to be a force for good rather than doing trump's evil bidding. It is a cult and you all don't know you are in it! Trump is a clear and present danger to our way of life. If you want to live in a dictatorship and strip rights from every American that doesn't agree with him, then support trump. The truth has to be somewhere in the middle, not far right or far left. We won't survive if you all don't start seeing that.

    FOR JOE BIDEN!!!! DEMS IN 24 to save our nation from corrupt republican politicians

  17. Annual physical, but did they do a COGNIZENCE TEST ???

  18. He is a traitor and he goes with the Democrats he needs to retire 😢😮😊

  19. Stop with the adulation for lifetime politician’s “service”.

  20. Biden uses cards rather than speak from both sides of his face like McCarthy.

  21. mcconnell should have been retired years ago. Apparently mccarthy plans on being an overaged, over moneyed idiot like mcconnell! 100,000 americans dieing a year of just fentanyl, yah great leadership from either of these idiot DC lifers!

  22. Howard Dean is a vindictive loser and can go f himself.

  23. McCarthy is sounding like a Rino

  24. Lol biden could probably do 2 pushups and Trump could do maybe 1 it would be electric

  25. There a lot more elderly in Congress that need to step down now.

  26. For me it’s not the age.. gee, the man can barely speak, walk, shuts down at 4 pm . Or earlier.. my gosh, he even forgets how his son died. Gets his wife mixed up.

  27. How can Kevin respect pissy Joey when he stole and most likely sold classified information and kept them in his possession when as a Senator or vice President he had no legal authorization to take those papers? Kevin respects him because Kevin is also an elite politician and don’t care about the law oe the American people! 😡😡🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  28. Mitch and Kevin are and have been corrupt RINOS and they are leaving before they can be held accountable! 😡😡😡🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  29. I wouldn't let Biden drive my car, would you? If he can't do that you really want him as President? 😂 If you said yes, God help us all…

  30. McDaniel McConnell McCarthy three losers getting shown the door rinoes through and through

  31. Why is this irrelevant quitter getting airtime oh he’s on fox

  32. Perfect timing because Trump is going to be president.

  33. What the hell would the Democrsts be screaming out if it is Trump falling down on three occasions. Off his bicycle, down the stairs entry Airforce one and after making a speech? They would be going crazy if it was Trump. Wake up Democrats and you Supporters. McCarthy, you are a Grunt.

  34. His doctor on pay day if he thinks this man can be president I think he needs his head examined ww see him see him walk like a stick man sling that right leg he his hands how he uses them like there guiding him

  35. Good riddance to old white privilege mentality Moscow Mitch McConnell! Republicans lie, cheat, bully, gerrymander, flip flop laws, judge's and corrupt Supreme court justices! Alito and his three stooges and both Thomas's are liar's and cheater's taking our rights away and country backwards! McCarthy is history in California, as well as all Insurrectionists! Democracy , Constitution, Science and history don't lie, Republicans do! Nothing Christian nor conservative about treasonous scallywags!

  36. Neither Trump nor Biden needs to take that test. It is so far below their obvious mental acuity it's ridiculous. McCarthy did not need to take the test either. (I am a geriatric psychiatric RN clinician. I have a BSN in this stuff. You can take my word for this here.)

  37. Joe Biden is not of the cognitive ability to best serve the country. It is not the age. I have a 92 year old step dad who is much much much more cognitive with it than Joe was at age 65. People use the age statement so they can trip up Trump.