ABC News Meteorologist Somara Theodore reports severe storms are marching east bringing damaging winds and heavy rain. At least one tornado has touched down in Florida, flipping over cars. SUBSCRIBE to ABC News on YouTube: Latest Updates: Watch FULL EPISODES on Hulu: #abcnews #weather #storms #tornado #florida #severewether
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Prayers 🙏
Good old ABC making sure they have ethnicity covered having the token Black girl do the weather. Usually weather girls are hot on most networks but this one she is black and she thick lol Also stumbled upon the few sentences she had to speak, but God love ABC and the USA …she Black, she on TV, and that's all that matters lol
Pogi ako 😂
Is the governor still over seas?
Me an my wife got caught in a tornado couple days ago at night time on the porch in Hudson florida.
ABC NEWS is a real freaking JOKE
This looks more like a College Fraternity prank.
God hates the traitor Red states
It's Trump's fault.
Thunder in paradise…..
If that botch was any stronger
I live in the south and none of this happened for us in a city of 8 million people. Had a little thunder and rain for 30 minutes and it went away.
Deep Fakes in Space/Failed Genome Experiments
It's a Purple UFO that generates a fog to conceal itself as a cloud.
.. law enforcement fakes on earth has favored aliens over people and has allowed aliens to stalk one person over their heads in their UFOs while discriminating everyone left world wide with their disgusting tradition in assisting alien abductions.
Have you heard their reasons for allowing aliens to abduct/kidnap everyone on the planet?
Deep fakes in space are recording deep fake videos everyday
No it's not the end, just something better known than held to myself.
Safety first.
Voices are NOT street or life friendly!
UFO with failed alien experiments descend their space craft over the state, directly over a persons head, and continuously says threats from space, to everybody.
Aliens are threatening from space
Experiments (that includes recycled human bodies) used from space on the land
in space that destroyed their brains and universes are here Roleplaying and recording illegally, editing and putting together ultra fake clips of life on planet earth in space to give rise to deep fakes in reality and to give aliens a made up excuse to abduct whoever they record.
Aliens are recording without consent and permission, deep fake videos. They are timing recording people, editing everything and putting together deep fake video edits that psychologically destroys the brain. They are also advertising deep fake videos of peoples faces, voices and whatever their features are, to abduct persons onto their space ship and overwhelm the victim with their ugliest bodies with every top worse and disgusting smells from their bio hazardous and absurdly ugly bodies. They're brains are destroyed so they use AIs to speak. They are also liars made from biowaste. But they do not have permission to be here. They try to speak bigger than life, but they have no structure and they are mutants against biology and life.
Oh, aliens may have replaced the people of earth with computer generated human lookalikes that serves aliens in infiltration. Both man and woman may be borrowed from spaceships for Camara shots in the US or bait traps to abduct man or woman into specific alien spaceships. There is a human lookalike that is using deep fake videos to their advantage.
V2k = alien interpreters in space, and deep fakes that are aliens, wearing a humans body or lookalikes, computer generated to bypass restrictions and limitations.
that is scary winds flipping cars like toys
Climate change is a hoax. This is God's wraith vs GQP supporters
This must be a Harp job
These are big geo-storms
Disrespect Mother Nature expect more of this😭😭😭
Why the eff are the cops there? What are they gonna do? Arrest the tornado? We need to defund them.
Guess we can't put off climate change anymore…
Cars wanted to break dance.
The Day After Tomorrow for the US, but this Weather System is a pi&& ant ⭕ 7, 👹😈👺🍋🤣😅😫😜🤪😵😁😭☀️🌡️🔥🐺🐷🐵🌚🤠💩🇺🇲💀☠️⚰️
Republicans how are you liking the weather? Better get used to it, its only going to get worse, especially for Florida.
<10 years Miami and Fort Lauderdale will be under water. Miami already runs water pumps 24×7 to keep it from flooding
Can’t shoot Mother Nature. What are we gonna do?
Im in Fort Myers and my whole house shook and it sounded like someone babging on windows.
This has been happening for decades…something has got to be done to protect people from this weather. They have been warning us about the effects of global warming since the 70s. It needs to stop being ignored, what else do you expect to happen when you dont take care of your environment and fragile ecosystem. This is just the beginning…no more warnings. This is the end of days…may got have mercy on our souls
Too much fake hair weather woman want to see natural bald head no weavey
O😢 the devil is doing this
Texas would like to pass the baton to Florida, no longer Texas tornado, now Florida tornado. Enjoy Florida, your governor obviously got out of Dodge before the tornado struck.