Student steers school bus to safety after driver passes out

After a Michigan school bus driver passed out at the wheel, 13-year-old Dillon Reeves jumped into action, pushing the brake and steering the bus full of 65 students to a safe stop. NBC News’ Kristen Dahlgren reports on the encounter captured on surveillance video.

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  1. I want to see whole clip…

  2. Well done Dillon! the world is proud of you and your family!!!

  3. the driver should never be able to drive again–she's a safety risk.

  4. Amazing! This young man is a hero! His parents are to be commended as well! 🙂

  5. That dad being a cool thoughtful guy teaching he son to drive Iike that saved lifes

  6. I'm so proud of him, if I had the money his college education would be paid for. I'm praying for the driver.

  7. Young man is a hero saving everybodies lives on that bus. Hope bus driver is ok. I do find this odd though, why no mention of bus driver or their condition? Feels like something is being kept from mentioning. Might know why and if its the reason regardless I hate being manipulated

  8. Glad to see some young people are not on their phones, well done that young man 👏

  9. You can tell he was raised right and has great parents!

  10. Had that bus been all females it definitely would have crashed cause all they would have done is scream OMG OMG!!!

  11. Thank God for this boy. This is a Great story

  12. what a brave and quick thinking lad! also glad that his dad teaches him to drive at a young age which ultimately leads to this 😄

  13. Wow I got goosebumps. Good job sweetheart, good freaking good kiddo! 🥰🙌🏾👏🏾😘😍🙏🏾💯❤️‍🔥

  14. Whenever something like this happens, there's a chance that it was "safe & effective strikes again" in action.

  15. That's what we need to teach our future kids how to save and respect all lives because they are the future.

  16. yeah, preventing a disaster from colliding with 5km/h….
    stop kidding, you can see the pavement how slowly they are going

  17. Not this time God!

  18. good kid 👏🙌🤝🤙

  19. This video brought to you by Pfizer, safe and “effective”.

  20. He looks like such a serious young man. Well done, sir!

  21. And the Lord said it's one of mine

  22. When you rich and political connected you can make news 😉 ever wondered why always white kids get highlighted. And brown and black kids no matter how bright they will be instead of their brightness they rather highlighted their negative side yup bunch of sellout

  23. Awesome 😎👍to the young brave man. Well wishes to the bus driver 🙏

  24. Massive W to the 7th grader who did that should get infinite respect.

  25. What was that freaky looking libtard bus driver vaping?

  26. Great job, Dillon!!! 👏 👏 👏 God bless you!!! ❤

  27. I sure hope the driver is ok. That boy was so brave and had to be terrified! Great job!!!

  28. No he’s going for his wallet, just hiding his crime by “ saving bus driver”

  29. Many American teenagers can drive better than adult Chinese.