Study finds toxic teen relationships can have lasting impact

New research published in the journal Pediatrics finds teens are likely to repeat patterns formed in early relationships later in life. NBC’s Erika Edwards reports.

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#Teens #SocialMedia #relationships



  1. I didn’t have my first toxic relationship until I was 26/27. These kids are starting young!

  2. The best way to show a girl what a healthy relationship is, is by being a nice and supportive father. Dads play a very important role

  3. It’s not easy to explain when the dad ain’t any better

  4. Wow. Do you mean to tell me that generations of children calling out bullies were telling the truth? That the adults whom walk through life after ARE IN FACT DAMAGED FOR LIFE? No, that can’t be right. Millions of children must be lying.

  5. I have a sneaking suspicion it’s always been that way.
    Growing up is the remedy.

  6. And this is supposed to be a new thing?

  7. Plus many parents don’t think it’s real relationships when it comes to teenagers. They think they’re just kids and it’s not serious. We have to remember if we don’t take our teenagers serious and listen to the small things when they come to us they’re definitely not gonna come to us with the bigger things.

  8. Many parents today do not even talk to their children, know where they are, or care. It’s heart wrenching

  9. Superficial & social media. I don't even talk to people anymore. People are a mental disaster

  10. How come we didn't have all these problems when we were in school?

  11. "Relationships" like dating, right? Not like having a non-relationship "friend" who traumatizes you based on their conduct with you throughout your childhood?

  12. They really needed a study to discover this most obvious fact? Toxic relationships have lasting impacts on anyone involved in them.

  13. I have two cats who can't get along & are always fighting each other & it's just like being the parents of two mean girls.

  14. But those peopLe , BZK , Anna Kocovic , Sara Kocovic etc … ain T normeL , they keep such en immensse HATE on me , jeaLLousi , envy , that the USA ' s miLiteri wiLL have to guard and deffend me , if i wish that i have the wiLL to be aLive for a whiLe ….

  15. Sara Kocovic , was she normeL , in august 2015 , was she NOT hatting me aLLready then , in august 2015 , wouLd have said : misTer Svetozar i use Facebook , but , i do not know you , you are much oLder than i , so , i do NOT wish you to see what i m sharring on my facebook s page ….

  16. And the other daughter of BZK , Sara Kocovic , To whom , poLiteLy , in end augusT 2015 , i asked , couLd you guive me a Facebook connecTion , and Sara Kocovic immediaTeLLy repLied : "i do NOT use Facebook" , which proved to be FALSE in 2017 , it emerdged she uses Facebook since weLl before june 2015 , so she , Sara Kocovic , not yet 15 years oLd in august 2015 Lied to me with such deepness that that breakes my heart and feeLingues …. 🙂

  17. The mum of Anna Kocovic herseLf BZK in may 2020 in messenger entered a reaL FIGHT with me , her Last words were : the gerL ( Bojana Zankovic probabLi ) Likes money very much …. ( may 25 th , 2020 ) . Her ( BZK s ) Last words . It sounded as if BZK regurets that i am TRYING to survive , "fighting" , NOT wiLLing to "surrender" , it sounded as if BZK hated me so much , envyed , jeaLlousLy , BZK , who didn t met me three times in her Life ….

  18. My stunnement was aLL the more GREAT that some Bojana Zankovic ENCOURADGED me to write To Anna Kocovic saying "maybe she wants that but is afraid" , etc ….

  19. Imadgine my "stunnement" when in march 2020 in Facebook s messenger i wrote to some Anna Kocovic from Monteneguro who immediaTeLLy forbiden to me to write her , she 18 i 45 years of age , but , in october 2020 , she beguin Liking some posTs of mine etc …. proving that she was dishonest with me from thee outset ….

  20. in My EasT Europpe for exempLe , my Late Father toLd me about the ZERO vaLue of wimin in his mainLand of MonTeneguro , according to my Late dad ( 1936 – 2013 ) wimin in MonTenegro are nuLL , zero , nothingue , inexisTanT : s L a v e s . For centyuries . So "imadgine" ( imadgine Dragoons ) my stunnement when in 2018 february Isidora Todorovic s reLatives ansauLted myseLf …. i was devasTeiTed , or for Senja Radonjic to NOT teLL to me a singuLe word , nothingue , etc … imadgine ( imadgine dragons ) my stunnemenT ….

  21. She taLks about a senTimenT of "defeat" , but , it is inaccyureiT word , for that matter , the UNDERLAINING basis of RELATIONSHIP between peopLe is The ReLation of FORCE , subbmission , WHO is subbmitted to whom , why , for what pourpose ….

  22. Your past life experiences have nothing to do with how you are in the future. Everyone knows the time of year you were born dictates how you are in the future. Astrology is real wake up. I’m a Taurus so I know these things.

  23. The Kallikantzaroi agenda in Full Swing! On their Cover Up mission!😁

  24. American teens. Big difference. In USA teenagers can pick up a gun and use freedom. In other countries the government doesn’t promote hate and ban guns. I mean have morality

  25. good thing ive never had a relationship. i generally hate other people.

  26. It look a “study” to find that out? Lol

  27. Easy fix. Let them come out as Trans, get top and bottom surgery and start on gender-affirming hormones. There is ABSOLUTLY no chance of long-term damage that way! At least, that's what we are being told.

  28. Why is it showing up more in girls? Can’t report for a study that you’re sad if you’re dead.

  29. Oh, no, its like we didn't know this already….its not like it is expressed in pop culture media or anything

  30. In other news, the sky is up, water is wet and the news is redundant

  31. We needed a study for this…?

  32. Well, duh. Many, many people have known this for a very, very long time, and "up to six years" is horsepucky. It can last far longer than that; lifetimes in some cases..