Suspected gunman in Atlanta shooting captured

Officials in Atlanta say the man who is suspected of killing one person and injuring four others in a shooting at a medical facility has been apprehended.

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#NBCNews #Atlanta #Shooting



  1. It makez no sence to me why we can send our military outside of the United States. To help protect other countries but cant protect our own streets. We need to get rid of gangs. Need to get the homelessof the streets. Need to help the poor. Fix us first.

  2. The military abandoned him and medical treated him like trash for dealing with mental health issues.

  3. Lol Americans…they just don’t learn…

  4. Its a horrible thing to say,but I dont actually care any longer. If Americans cared or gave a f… they'd do somthing about it. Freedom? Americans dont know the meaning of the word.

  5. No race mentioned for the perp in this case! Is it mooooore white supremecy?? Pray tell! I am keen tp maintain the narrative!!

  6. Anybody who does this needs a good old fashioned alley ride before they get locked up

  7. That's a lot of horn tooting, in order to try and cover how F'd up these mass shootings are getting.

  8. Poor Americans😢 When will you wake up and stop clinging to your guns.

  9. Gun violence.. exclusive to America! Sponsor by the Republican party!

  10. "I am pleased to share with you..".🤨

  11. Seems like every week it's a mass shooting somewhere. It seems like it's getting close to where we all live. Now I really feel like we living in the last days for sure

  12. From what I hear is he is a veteran and had real mental health issues. And the VA gave him the wrong medication. But he was black so no one will hear this. If he was white that would be the first thing they would tell everyone.

  13. how many "shootings" have to happen before we ban guns all together. America LIVES by the gun and now its DYING by it. Gotta love the irony..

  14. Good job!
    This is why people need to be vetted before allowed into the USA. Turn them back at the border!!!! They shouldn’t have any right to US services when entering illegally. This isn’t right. Why can’t they stay In Mexico?? We have to put up with drug cartels already from that Country.

  15. Cool, treat them as a domestic terrorist and send them to Guantanamo Bay.

  16. Second ammendment! 🤬😈🙈

  17. ok comrade trollski

  18. stop selling gun!!

  19. Arkadaşlar dünyada resesyon var!! Ons altın veya fiziki altiin almak için acele edin!!! ((((((Friends, there is an economic crisis in the world!!! Hurry to buy ounces of gold or physical gold)))))))),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  20. And this will be the last we hear of it. The news stopped caring about this story once they saw his face. Doesn't fit the narrative, so it goes away until they finally get the right color for their outrage.

  21. another day in death cult America, another mass shooting.

  22. Thank goodness for modern technology

  23. 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    KARMA is hunting Americans 😂

  24. Prior to columbine we never heard of these spree shooters

  25. The devil live in usa.

  26. the only way you can get health care coverage in the US is with a gun. lol

  27. Did the shooter get the Jab

  28. _protect the unborn from samsara

  29. There is really only one question… How much Seth Meyers is too much Seth Meyers? – shilling for a homophobic traitorous phone pig… Icky I have un-everything Seth…

  30. Mental health crisis ..This is not about guns even though thats the agenda they push

  31. Made up 😂😂😂 cheap drill

  32. If you toss a million glass bottles out along the highways of this big, beautiful country, just the random angle of the sunlight reflecting off of the glass will cause a few dozen fires to occur somewhere. But here in these United States, we have distributed not a million, but four hundred million, and not bottles, but firearms, often directly into the hands of those who are psychologically unstable and mentally ill, and invariably into the lives of those who have zero safety training. Another ten million guns will be produced again this year! The odds are that, in America, someone's child has died from a bullet wound while you were reading this. "It's your kid," someone will hear. Tiny shoes in the corner: never – worn – again. 👟👟 – j q t –

  33. Is anyone else tired of all these mass shootings?!?! And the killers bringing brought in without incident? They take innocent lives, get their name and story all on TV, get court dates, cost our country extra $$ and permeate fear. SILENCE GUN VIOLENCE

  34. Law enforcement should have never taken him alive!!!

  35. Remember: Your right to acquire a gun is also the right of tens of thousands of completely crazy and undiagnosed psychotic people to acquire those same weapons.

    In response to this latest tragedy, tomorrow morning, gun stores across Georgia will band together by placing signs in their windows that read: O P E N ⚰ ⚰ ⚰

    Note: NRA Hate is Russian Supported Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not easy access to firearms . . . – j q t –

  36. 医学院毕业的老伴:“这法轮功真神!

    打印机版 | 【投稿/反馈】

    文: 法轮功学员









  37. Remember God loves you♥️!
    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
    Please repent, change your life around and live for Him🙏..
    He is coming back soon😊………

  38. Mass shooting every hour. My YouTube recommendation feeds can't refresh fast enough.

  39. Like i said they wont stop…more is coming they are getting inspired;savior??😂😂😂
    The guided one

  40. Nothing new
    .. the norm now

  41. NBC and the other trash Leftist lying media outlets don't put black in the title lol