Television icon Jerry Springer dies at 79

The longtime talk show host of the ever-controversial talk show “Jerry Springer,” which aired in syndication for 27 years, has died at his home in suburban Chicago at age 79. SUBSCRIBE to ABC News on YouTube: Latest Updates: Watch FULL EPISODES on Hulu: http://abcn. ws/3bzvQQn #news #jerryspringer #tv #host #abcnews

Original source (ABC/Youtube)


  1. WHAT?!

    OH GOD!

  2. he died the very same day i released my Jerry Springer Song-Titles album……. OMG I KILLED JERRY!!! IM A BASTARD!!!

  3. Jerry is dead .best news next joey 😅

  4. He was a fan of masks and jabs.

  5. Nothing against Jerry Springer his self what show was full of degenerate and fake actors this is why the youth is what they are now

  6. This is one of the reasons why the youth has no Redemption look at the parents that still was watching Jerry Springer I see all of the idiot Tik-Tok videos I'm sitting here shaking my head 100%

  7. The fake stuff got unentertaining

  8. Yeah I'm sorry he died but his shows 100% fake I start watching it after the 90s

  9. I don't know….Jerry made a living at the expense of broken and sad people….I would not be proud if that was my so-called legacy.

  10. Rip.J.S.🕊️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🕊️

  11. So sad, RIP Jerry Springer🙏🏻

  12. Satan: Hey I was your biggest fan

  13. R.I.P JERRY SPRINGER only show u can take ppl and kick their ass legally ❤

  14. He poisoned the American youth with his depraved immoral filth . He pushed for transgenders, perverts, the sickest society could offer little children got influenced by this scum. Now transgender etc… trash is the norm. Jerry your a pos

  15. Another dead Democrat. Awesome.

  16. Sorry he’s passed but as far as being a TV icon with a show that was filled with stupidity and physical fights, no I don’t call that iconic.

  17. This makes me feel really sad..despite what anyone may have said or will say about him..Springer' had millions of fans and entertained them with everything A-Z in what was often controversial and a lot of topics that were considered taboo, freakish, strange, funky but also funny, shocking-but always was unusually entertaining and interesting to many who tuned in everyday to watch what was going to happen to who was on and what they wanted to share and why those guests chose the Springer show to reveal whatever it was that wasn't your typical mainstream topic shown on any other program. Jerry Springer was the first show and the first host to give these special guests a place to aire their secrets, desires and confessions. No matter what, many tuned in to just enjoy the outlandish quirkiness and sometimes the fist fights~"JERRY! JERRY!but also the sometimes salacious and hawty content, to take break from their own mundane life and I believe that by watching the show, people didn't feel so bad about their own life by believing that things sure could be worse..referring to the craziness often depicted on the Springer show. And alot of people would call the show their "guilty pleasure" but never would admit to others that they watched the show on a regular basis, even though some people believed that the show was bad for television and bad for society where children were concerned. Personally, I liked the show and if there was a topic or guest I didn't care for-I would just trip the station and watch something else..and that was my choice but overall I quite enjoyed the unusual guests and liked very much how Jerry would be fair and most respectful to most of his guests with the exception of a white supremacy group that was overly offensive and Jerry could not hold back his contempt..just that one show and I never saw him lose it like that ever again in the 20+ years that I watched and enjoyed the Jerry Springer Show..Jerry will be missed by very many and I'm sure that the shows reruns will run for many years to come.
    🕊Rest Easy Jerry Springer ❤

  18. His sister was my teacher at school she was pretty sweet always pointing me in the right direction

  19. Could not be Happier! What a legacy to leave behind! Teaching people how to act like animals.
    Now we see this behavior everywhere. What a poor excuse for a human being!

  20. Aww man. That made me cry. My childhood fav show and just a sweet man. It always feels like these legends will never die. RIP JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!

  21. Lo hice, y gané 🔥🚦, $ 48,000 en solo dos semanas, Sr. FRANK MICHAEL ACOSTA, la gente buena todavía existe. 🇺🇲😍💰

  22. How is this sad? The man was an opportunist of the lowest of society. I am not in the least sad.