The effects of ‘stand your ground’ laws

After a string of shootings that were caused by minor mistakes, NBC News’ Zinhle Essamuah looks at how “stand your ground” differ across the country and why these statutes have different implications for people of color.

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#StandYourGround #Guns #Politics



  1. All total nonsense. Stand Your Ground is a whistle word and totally meaningless in these instances. The people speaking here have no clue about the law of self-defense. This is racial pandering at its worst.

  2. Do not fire unless fired upon

  3. It should be all 50 states. The Federal government should counter act any state laws that infringe on your right to keep and bear arms and to use those arms to defend yourself.

  4. Umm, Zimmerman could have retreated. He was also told to stand down by police

  5. I live in florida, nothing in my yard is worth taking a life forand certainly not pull in my drive or ringing my doorbell

  6. Disarming the country is the first step in the GVMT owning you, if you can't defend yourself your a slave.

  7. If you really wanna know how to stop these thieves, rip-off's and murderer's from doing these kinds of things then read on:

    First off: "If You Steal It and Get Caught, We Will Cut It Off. One hand removed at the wrist." No matter how big or small the item, from: Gum to a Car to a Boat to a Dog "If You Steal It and Get Caught, We Will Cut It Off." Secondly: "If you use a gun to comit a crime and you are caught on videocam for any reason, you will be automatically Sentenced To Death."

  8. Every state that has a stand-your-ground law or a permitless carry law. Get ready to see your life and health insurance go up by least 15%……. to start. As an investor in insurance Markets. I see no reason why insurance companies should absorb this risk.

  9. trick or tre…boom boom boom

  10. These are not cases of self defense or stand your ground. These were wreckless taking of life.

  11. "If u feel threatened" but that's the thing isn't it. Some of these ppl did NOT feel threatened they just wanted to lynch someone.

  12. A small group out of an already small 14% percent of the population commits 58% of all violent crime. Talk about that. That is the problem.

  13. I grew up in Florida. I moved away when I went to college. I have vowed to never return to the state ever again.

  14. Typical media BS , also trying to brainwash people with their stupid narratives. Hurt the law abiding Citizen. And make it easier for criminals.

  15. Well what's up with those 2 officers shooting the man in his doorway because they had the wrong address?

  16. Fine line between retaliation and self-defense. Leaving to go get a gun and returning to the scene isn't self-defense btw

  17. Take away the guns, take away the problem.

  18. In summation, white folks are scared pf black folks so they can use stand ur ground laws to get away with murder.

  19. So dumb. As if anyone else in the modern world has such stupidly dangerous gun policies. You pass laws making it legal to shoot someone if you feel scared?! Morons! πŸ€£πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘Ž

  20. WREAKS OF DESPERATION —- The Constitution provides enough liberties, rights, and freedoms, but they want something to tip the balance in their favor.

  21. Yes. Let’s use 3 rare cases to demonize citizens defending themselves.

  22. Yea let’s believe facts from NBC, when actually stand your ground laws have prove to protect and benefit people of color and minorities but forget facts twist the story to promote your opinion not actual facts

  23. STAND GROUND AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT and have 100 of people walk in those bad neighborhoods around the world

  24. These comments are a whole mood Jesus Christ people really don't care

  25. Anyone who kills a American is a NWO boss, that's truth and justice the American way.

  26. The laws protect people from being wrongfully tried when actually defending themselves from threats.
    The problem is idiots assaulting innocent people then making excuses for their actions.

    The legislation should have more informative material to educate the public.

  27. No duty to retreat????
    Somebody help me out here I have a feeling by the time I figured that one out I would be dead

  28. to the lying evil media stop making everything about race

  29. Stand your ground against any aggression and waste the person if necessary, but don't shoot anyone who turns around in your driveway. Or rings your doorbell. If he opens the door, sure, boom-boom………….but make sure to scream "Happy Fourth of Ju-ly, mother——-!" right before you empty the clip.

  30. Well duh, Black people are usually committing the crimes. 12% committing 50% of crimes.

  31. Unites States of America πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ united πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ English is hard. πŸ˜‚

  32. It should be about good human vs bad human but make it about race. πŸ€¦β€β™‚πŸ€¦β€β™‚πŸ€¦β€β™‚πŸ€£

  33. It's always controversial till the anti gun guy needs one and doesn't have one.

  34. Always…
    Follow the rules.