The White House condemns the GOP debt ceiling bill as a “ransom note”

House Republicans narrowly passed a bill aimed at cutting federal spending, but Speaker Kevin McCarthy says no progress has been made on negotiations with the White House. WATCH the live stream of ABC News here: SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: Watch more at http://abcnews.go. com/ LIKE ABC News on FACEBOOK FOLLOW ABC News on TWITTER: #ABCNewsLive #WhiteHouse #GOPDebtCeiling

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  1. Cut military spending= PROBLEM SOLVED

  2. During Trump's presidency, the US economy suffered the fastest contraction since 1946 with a 3.5% decrease in GDP growth – the worst since the Great Depression. Trump was the worst jobs president in recorded history with the the economy losing 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6%. The distance separating America's highest and lowest income brackets grew by almost 9% annually. Home prices rose 27.5%. The Trump administration incurred the second-highest annual deficit of any president in history and the federal debt held by the public increased 39%.

  3. By refusing "to come to the table" , the Democrats and Biden want US to default and are against the American citizens.


  5. Only a democrat would call an attempt at fiscal responsibility "ransom" . THERE SHOULD BE NO DEBT .
    If welfare disappeared so would the national debt …..AS WELL AS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY !! The biggest mistake this country ever made was to allow "deficit spending" . Imagine if they could not borrow money to fund EBT ? Imagine if they had to raise taxes 25% to fund all their welfare programs …..see how long they would last then !! Sad thing is it would be liberals complaining the most about tax hikes !

  6. Republicans always going after the less fortunate while the wealthy don't pay their fair share of income tax. The "Let them eat cake" Party

  7. I'm with the republicans they know what they're doing

  8. Let's go BRANDON…..Let's go BRANDON….Let's go BRANDON

  9. I'm all for reducing spending, but there are a lot of things that should be reduced long before any of the things the GOP proposed cutting. We're subsidizing multi-billion dollar companies for some reason still. Start there. We're giving tax breaks to Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. We're spending money on so many things that only benefit the top 1% yet none of their wealth is finding it's way down to the bottom. So much for the trickle down economics idea put forth by Reagan. But the majority of the things the GOP wants to cut only affect those who are in the most need of assistance.

  10. What happened to Biden and the Democrats working across the aisle? Guess it’s another lie

  11. We have seen this episode too many times before. Republicans will fold, as always.

  12. Anti-government Hillbilly Congress CONs passed clean CeilingS for the RUMP. But Hillbilly Hill CONs want to default USA & play games

  13. 🤮🤮💩💩💩🤮🤮

  14. should cut federal spending on congressman salary, since they are just doing nothing… start with George Santos first

  15. It's the presidents responsibility to reach across the isle and reach a deal, the president has zero intentions on working with Republicans. No armed I.R.S , no more debt biden can't spend his way out of debt even a fifth grader knows this. Biden is the most divisive president in history he is known as the executive order in chief.

  16. Imagine not using your 2nd amendment to stop this

  17. So the White House, the dems and Biden don’t like they can spend money all they want to Ukraine come on it’s the same party who wants men to compete in women’s sports because women’s rights don’t matter to them it’s lies

  18. Tell us who is going to be screwed with this bill!

  19. They raised it three times under trump and the first time republicans have control over the house this is what they try smh

  20. Why didn’t want you being a little more specific. One of the reasons I never watch NBC.

  21. Inflation holding all of us ransom

  22. 2006 Obama called adding more to the debt as "unpatriotic" and the debt was 8.5 trillion. Now it's unpatriotic, according to dems to not raise it when its 31 + Trillion. Anyone that believes a moment of this democrat BS is just another sheep to the slaughter.

  23. The Republican Klan are terrorists and the USA doesn't negotiate with terrorists.

  24. I'm surprised they didn't call it "racism."

  25. If America defaults on its debts it will be on Biden

  26. “Voting to raise the debt ceiling is unpatriotic.” – Senator Obama (2008)

  27. Stop paying Ukraine pensioners

  28. Time to punish the traitor republicans.

  29. The debt ceiling should be raised with ZERO conditions.