Montana State Representative Zooey Zephyr, the state’s only transgender lawmaker, is banned from the House floor after a fiery speech about gender-affirming care for children. Republican leaders say she broke decorum and was accused of inciting a protest. NBC News’ Anne Thompson has the latest.
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#NBCNews #Montana #Trans
The US is obsessed with genitalia and gender while the rest of the free world and their enemies carry on focusing on more important issues and policies such as economic growth, trade, war, peace, law enforcement and welfare.
Join the fight against the madness, watch Science, the Transgender Phenomenon, and the Young by Abigail Shrier here on YT!
Here are the facts – The LGBTQ alphabet soup organization is the worse enemy of Transgender i.e. Identity Dysphoric people. By allowing themselves to be aligned with and be represented by those who are NOT TRANSGENDERED, only confused the public and also gave rise to "ME TOO" confused and delusional children who via the LGBTQ++++ organization front people, demanded prepubescent hormone interventions and called for allowing these kids to change pronouns, clothing, names, etc. Then viewing the cash to be made, Physicians and Mental Health Providers also said YES to these demands and then the Schoolboards agreed, as State Lawmakers grappled with the minefield issue. Many children who claim to be transgender are homosexually driven. Allowing young males to use the Girls' Toilet facilities and Locker Rooms in Elementary and High School or College is sheer lunacy and should NOT be allowed. Nor should they be allowed in Female Sports.
Transgendered individuals need to extricate themselves from the National LGBTQ organization and develop a National Transgender/Gender Identity Dysphoria organization of their own sans the clowns, buffoons, lunatics, perverts, and criminals who often guise themselves as Trans half man twisted sickos.
What a bunch of bullies in the name of liberalism…what a bunch of bullshiters…my community , my community….blah blah blah
Well you have more blood on your hands by supporting the abortion of even full term pregnancy, by mutilating kids as young as 10 , by confusing them and pushing them to suicide …i hope you see blood on your hands every day and stop acting victims
I didn't even think there were 11,000 people in Montana
I would call this man a drama queen, but as a man he can't be a queen. As an adult in America you can act as foolish as you want. However, keep your unnatural beliefs away from our school children. There are only two sexes, FACT! If you feel like your trapped in the wrong body seek a psychiatrist. Don't normalize it to children and certainly don't affirm it behind the backs of parents!
2 weeks ago a transgender extremist shot up a school. Now this ultrafascist says there will be "blood on our hands" if they don't get their way? Shouting "whose house, our house" during an insurrection? And all the media can do is give tongue baths to these Groomers?
Nice optics bro.
That’s a man! Throwing a child tantrum, democrats cry foul when they get a taste of their own medicine! On top of that they start an insurrection!
How are we letting these clowns that pray on kids in government!? What a joke.
While china is busy overtaking USA, this is waht usa is busy with hahaha. Chinanambawan!
Can you imagine if every law maker staged protests anytime they are debating a bill that will not pass in their favor? Having a discussion without shouting down the opposition is very important when conducting oneself in any democratic process.
Like how the Dude got banned.HE deserved it
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. Instead of looking for a way to manage it, y'all want to propagate it. Given how widespread it's becoming, I wish your country would devote more resources in researching how to prevent it.
How far we've fallen…….and in Montana of all places.
Ba ha ha ha ha. Bye bye 👋.
I'm looking at a man's face.
his original name is Zachary Raasch.
Mental illness is now allowed in the house.
It's a dude with long hair.
That transgender person is lying through their teeth look at her facial expressions a committed liar that's democrats for you.
I just LOVE how the trans community is twisting the story of why she got banned. Just like she twisted the reason of the bill getting regulated and not banned.
the like to dislike ratio dosnt lie. finally time to rid north america of these demons
No one is getting killed. We literally don't care who they sleep with anymore than they care about who we sleep with. Whats next, a battle over our favorite colors or if apple juice is better than orange juice? This is all such a waste of time, energy, money and limited resources!
Clown World!
If you're someone who's gonna commit suicide because you're told you can't run in a race, you don't need more compassion, you need a doctor.
Why aren’t trans men fighting to be on men’s sports teams or to be in men’s spaces? Why is it only trans women(biological men) fighting to be in women’s spaces and women’s sports teams? Trans. Women are a danger to all women. Nobody wants to take any rights away from them. We just want them to stay out of our spaces and leave our kids alone. It’s that simple.
Bills that get us killed
That entire statement was pure delusion
Why do you people twist words and meanings of words? "What he really meant to say. . .", no dummy he said to apologize. That's what he said!
Being a female as a biological reality. It's not a feeling, it's not an identity, and it's not a costume.
I applaud Montana for banning this guy from the house sessions
Power to Zooey Zephyr, she clearly cares about the lives of people unlike those worthless house Republicans.
Sorry? "Gender- affirming medical care"?? Utter BS. You mean, gender ALTERING medical care?
"… bills that get us killed…."
Utter hyperbolic nonsense.
Huh? This Zooey person is a MAN.
Good for Montana. This madness must stop!
This is so disturbing that she’s silenced. Sickens me! They obviously didn’t learn ANYTHING from Tennessee what a WEEK ago?!?!
The "party of free speech" for you
Trans rights?
No, first of all it is not a RIGHT to have the taxpayers fund mental delusions.
The fact that suicide is prevalent among Trans is proof of mental disorders.
Below age 18 is an absolute no until they are adults. Then they pay for it themselves.
These radicals should be imprisoned if they attempt to mutilate children who are unable to comprehend a life long un reversable procedure.