Newly released video shows a homeless man’s attack on a former San Francisco fire commissioner may have been provoked. KNTV’s Sergio Quintana reports.
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#KNTV #SanFrancisco #Homeless
The homeless man was apparently sprayed with bear spray just because he was homeless. The justice system did nothing about it, so I don't blame the homeless man for seeking retribution.
He's a fire chief, and the person in question is essentially using a fire extinguisher of a can of bear mace. And the incidents went unreported. Hmmm let's see…. Ex fire chief, homeless, assaults, police, seems like a cover up.
That lying piece of trash deserved his beating! It looks as though the unhoused were simply fighting back against a serial criminal that targeted them. How terrible of a person do you have to be to attack the unhoused unprovoked? That's slimy stuff
see there two sides to every story
Can't help but laugh at the crime in SanfranSAFEZONEsico 🤣 you literally got what you voted for. What's the problem🤣
Whoever sprayed those homeless people deserves a medal he’s cleaning up the street more than the politicians in sf
Of course the wealthy white guy is going to get away with it. Even with the videos
This isn’t the only guy out there spraying unhoused people for being in the public. In some cities they’re spraying people with bacterial mixtures and other biological mixtures. This is what you should be investigating. Quit bastardizing homelessness and open your eyes to the evil that keeps people there and beats people down while they’re already down.
Bear spray is not a lethal weapon. A steel pipe is a lethal weapon. Throw the homeless trash in jail.
It was absolutely him in the other videos committing crimes against the unhoused.
Drop the charges on the homeless guy if this guy attacked him anyone of us who of killed that guy if he maced us jusy laying down he just hit him i wouldny of stoped
Neighborhoodwatch sending Oakies back to the flyover state they came from. Grapes of Wrath was last century. Go home. So I can….
FAFO at 11.
all because so many homeless just openly sleep on the streets…
The big baton wins
I bare my soul.
Crook Jenkins is bias, she dont know if the big guy is really the victim. Shes just taking his side. The real victim could be the homeless guy, she automatically is considering guilty. She should be disbarred.
The news is very bias. Automatically frame the big guy as the victim. Even with the new evidence, the news still taking his side.
One percent of the population doing really bad. One percent doing really well. Thats one rich person for every homeless person. They could buy them a house and still be the richest. And the rest of the people keep doing their thing. But people dont want to help others.
If that fire commissioner did it,he deserves what he gets.but let's wait and see if the bear spray attacks continue,I'll bet they wont.
What you do in the dark comes out in light
kind of looked like self defense to me after all the videos were released. .
I am so tired of psychotic, mentally impaired idiots having more rights than normal, sober, law-abiding citizens.
It's hard to feel bad for either of these losers 😅
Homeless – the NRA
will distribute free guns to the homeless at Christmas 🎁
It looks like him to me in the video. How hard would it have been for cops to get a warrant and go look for the cloths the guy in the video is wear at the former fire commissioners house? The cops didn't even investigate this.
The Homeless KNOW WHO SPRAYED THEM. ! They Hope a homeless couch falls from a homeless apartment onto the mace holder.
Police won't remove these trespassers from in front of people's homes you have to do it yourselves but be smarter about it than this guy
homie wanted try out his newly own bear spray, he wanted to see how it worked
Bear in mind that attacking homeless with mace could become fatal.
That's called street justice.
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police culture and policy breeds this kind of behavior and attitude toward those with less power than they have
Bring in animal control
Well, maybe the officials there should do something to protect their law abiding TAX PAYING citizens. What a sad state of things there.
It is no good either way. Honestly he probably felt upset at the homeless that had moved to his home area. There is nothing we can do about it. There isn’t any help from the government and so he took it in his own hands and suffered the consequences. It’s no win on either side. Things just escalate and blow up. Sf is crowded too. These things will keep happening if nothing is done about the unhoused that need to go somewhere
KRAMA is a B.
Looks like this Ahole got what was coming to him.
100% of those are Republicans hurting them. Fact
Looks like he f**ked around and found out.
Why do people attack the un-housed? Three Ameren Ue utility trucks successfully restored the power. I observed fans blowing and Christmas lights. I began a fast pace because a man was walking behind me. He laughed out loud as a response to my frightfulness. 🤔
“Do you have any extra money?”Panhandler
“ If I give you my gambling money what will I have to feed the slot machines. Why are you bringing all that junk on the casino?”,
I answered.
“I don’t want anyone to steal it.”, he anxiously explained.
“🙄🥴😑”-My facial expression
Free range humans unite