‘Why couldn’t you call 911?’: Ralph Yarl’s father calls for justice

Ralph Yarl’s father Paul questions why his son was shot after knocking on the door of the wrong Kansas City home due to a mistaken address. WTHR’s Jennie Runevitch reports.

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#RalphYarl #Guns #KansasCity



  1. Praying for you’re son!

  2. Andrew Lester was not at the wrong address.

  3. Playing the race card on this will lead to an acquittal just like the Trayvon Martin case. Stick to the facts, the man shot through the door at an unknown person at his door. You are legally allowed to knock at someone's door unless you have been previously told to not come on to the property.

  4. The republicans have the solution.. m0Ar guns and less woke beer cans. [insert face palm here]

  5. I hope racist shooter gets convicted and gets the maximum sentence.

  6. NBC won’t cover the little 6 year old that was shot with this kind of energy? Wrong narrative?🤮

  7. Maybe we can meet that white girl that was shot in a similar circumstance last week

    I forgot…she is dead

  8. Wanna talk about that woman who got shot dead for making a wrong turn? No? It doesn't fit the narrative?

  9. What Justice is there in Chicago – Shootings and killings by the Dozens ? Black on Black ignored – Not helping the Narrative ? Hypocrites ? 🤔

  10. Everybody’s curious about the background of the young man, but why is no one curious about the background or beliefs of the old man? This just in from CNN since everybody wants to have their input.

    Grandson of White homeowner who shot a Black teen who rang his doorbell said he 'wasn't shocked' by the news. His brother has a different take
    5:03 PM EDT April 20, 2023

  11. How can you be stunned that your kid got hurt because you a negligent parent. Sending a kid to pick up much younger kids and the oldest whom you see fit to be responsible enough for the well-being of all your kids. Yet he didn't even know where to pick them up??

  12. Isnt it obvious? 911 takes a few minutes to take effect- meanwhile you've got some stranger trying to open your front door.
    The stories about what's happening in chicago dont help either

  13. Gotta keep milking that story 😅 Leftism is a cancer.

  14. Compassion is sometimes hard, especially for this old man but it is necessary to keep your own soul intact .

  15. Well I’ll tell you why – when seconds count even the best of cops are minutes away. Seconds vs. minutes. Not condoning what was done in any way just trying to explain.

  16. Did you or any other media bring anybody related to girl who pulled into wrong driveway and was shot and killed onto the show? How about the 6 yr old shot by her neighbor? Nope just this one. You are as corruot as the rest of TBE media pushing division and hate

  17. White people be targeted for defending themselves

  18. Indianapolis? Pick up his brothers from where? Did he have a cell phone? Why didn't he know where his brothers were? Did it look like anybody was home? And if it's a house you don't know you have no business with the doorknob. A LOT of people get shot like that.

  19. Don't spread your lies, with out the other side of the story, fake mainstream mockingbird news


  21. I wonder why an elderly man would fear a teen at his door at night.

  22. Read the police report. The home owner stated, "He heard someone pulling on the outside door". Stop promoting this racial hate before all the facts have been brought to light. Leave that crap to Don LaMon.

  23. This poor man has suffered enough, we need to dismiss any charges against him and move on. He had no choice, he believed his life was being threatened and took action. Not a crime!

  24. All I hear is "victim, victim, victim.". What does he really want to get out of it? The dude obviously overreacted and shot. Why is it racial?

  25. If you're released the next day from the hospital, how can this be a "critical" injury? I'm just asking. I know getting shot is never good, but critical. Stop pandering! You're a news agency. Stick to the facts.

  26. Can't imagine why he'd be afraid

  27. My God this man is Dad. He is the dad who loves them and wants the best for them. Goodness my soul.

  28. He opened the door….

    Racial? How do you know?

    What about the white woman shot by a black thug in NY last week? No coverage of that? Not enough clicks?

  29. All of the excuses being made for that racist piece of shxt as expected.

  30. He'd be dead before they arrived….?

  31. Its unfortunate this young man was shot. The older gentlemen could have been fearing for his life due to the black culture targets weak and elderly people when it comes to crime. Glad the young man is alive and healing well. As for Biden inviting Ralph Yarl to the White House, this is using a black child for political purposes.

  32. Calling 911 for a possible home invasion when the cops showed up they may have shot the young kid as well.

  33. This is the result of years of race riots and attacks, and a complete refusal to address crime coming from one group and culture. We were on the road to progress, we were 99% post racial, and now we are back to the old fears and hatreds.
    White people don't trust that a black man showing up at their door is there for anything but a bad reason because 9 times out of 10 they will be right. And they are not required to trust people who hate them.
    The problem is that we have created a low trust society where you have to lock your doors at night and leave the floodlights on, and it's not little Timmy fault that after growing up to be the least racist generation of white people to ever exist on earth, he got the shot beaten out of him to the point that he no longer wants to be friends. This old man was probably in the wrong if the kid really was innocently trying to pick up his little brothers. But the problem is, that story just isn't believable, and there is no reason to believe that a black dude showing up to someone's house at 10 at night was trying to pick up his brother from school which gets out at midday, when it is far more likely he was just casing the place or planning to break in due to the statistics of his tribe and culture.

  34. Senseless. Shooting first the asking questions. And a kid is dead.

  35. Call 911??? Sometimes It takes too long for police to show up. The old guy is living alone. Then someone shows up at your house late at night??? He was probably scared. Did the victim ring the bell once? Or did he ring it several times and say something? It’s unfortunate what happened. If you look at the news, there is constant reports on black youths shootings and/or vandalism.