Witness to shooting inside Atlanta hospital describes scene after hearing gunshots

Witness Michael Palko was on the floor where the shooting occurred that left at least one person dead. SUBSCRIBE to ABC News on YouTube: https://bit.ly/2vZb6yP Latest Updates: http://abcnews.go.com/ Watch FULL EPISODES on Hulu: http://abcn.ws/3bzvQQn #shooting #atlanta #hospital #atlantashooting

Original source (ABC/Youtube)


  1. "Discover amazing news content on this YouTube channel! 🌟 Stay up-to-date with the latest happenings and support their efforts by subscribing and sharing. Let's help them grow! 🚀


  2. Blacks Live Matter

  3. A BLACK MAN KILLED A WHITE WOMAN!!! And the media says NOTHING about it!! Go look up Channon Christian from Tennessee. See what happened to her and her boyfriend!!

  4. I pity anyone living in the US. They are constantly under siege with daily shootings by madmen. I would emigrate to Europe!

  5. As a mother, it breaks my heart that all of our children have to live in a world that’s just not safe. In a world full of violence, woke beliefs, and insanity. May God protect all of our children from this evil.

  6. If only there were armed guards in places that forced law abiding citizens to not bring their personal guns with them.. If only someone could have stopped him before he ended up killing and harming innocent lives… sad. Prayers.

  7. This isn’t even called a mass shooting? The narrative doesn’t fit apparently.

  8. This is so sad. This goes to show the importance of Law Enforcement officers. Let's support our Law Enforcement Officers with honor and respect as they deal with so many levels of evil 24/7 none stop.

  9. As day pass it is been harder and harder to be away from trouble

  10. Colonizers brought gun violence to a peaceful nation now they can't stop it. There's a dark ☁️ of ☠️ over NAmerica bc if the sins of the colonialism.

  11. North America is a very violent place, there's daily deadly gun violence and politicians are numb to it, it's normal to them.

  12. Anyone gonna talk about how during the live showing of this they had the gall to advertise their own shows?

  13. My dad is a security officer at a hospital so this hits home. A few weeks ago there was a threat that had them go into lockdown mode with backup called. I’m so sick of this! 🥺

  14. Good grief, America is an embarrassment on the world stage.

  15. The weirdest questions… Is that what she should be talking about – "what king of doctors." What is she going to ask next, "what is the weather like?"

  16. Republicans: we want to protect our children, But we cant protect them when there is a mass shooting cause we Republicans love guns!!!! Lol

  17. I feel bad for the innocent people. How'd an armed person get into the ER??? You'd think Atlanta would have metal detectors at all entrances.
    Edit: Your title is incorrect. The man specifically states that he did NOT hear gunfire. ffs

  18. 190th shooting incident this year alone. Its just May. Well, America, enjoy your guns
    Bullets doesnt recognize republicans or democrats.
    Sure, keep them in your hearts and memories 🙄🤭

  19. Just another daily day in the USA of shoot it out.

  20. I just got out of the hospital May 2 and in May of 1987 I almost lost my life due to gun violence as a 16 yr old girl I was shot in my face with a 38 caliber handgun by a stupid drunk man shooting into a group of cheerleading girls 💔 Then I turn on the news to see this heartbreaking situation and nobody deserves to go through this and I pray the strength and comfort during this difficult time and rest in peace dearest deceased and we're not safe anywhere just a everyday doctors visit and now deceased and hospitalized 💔 I'm happy they have found him!! So very sad to hear and to all involved I pray that you are blessed with comfort and strength and Thank you law enforcement 🙏

  21. Jeremy cintron from Harlem lives in building 1420 is a creep & stalks women please do not trust this man

  22. Not my problem I don't know who he is .. or news..too drama … If he come to me he will be dead man. He need take medicine than sojia girl at Marta

  23. Jesus is returning soon biblical truth wake up people it’s getting worse by the second sad but true it’s the daily norm repent be ready unfortunately it’s not going to get better unfortunately going to get way worse I promise you that Jesus Loves you all ♥️


  25. Hes black guys hes not a criminal

  26. U will come here and say my heart goes out tothe family and vote republican

  27. I have been telling my coworkers for the last 4 years that shooters will start targeting hospitals soon.

  28. His mama say "System fail my boy"

  29. Yesterday morning 13y old boy had killed 9 people in elementary school in Serbia. 8 pupils and security guard. My country is devastated we never ever had anything like this before. Above all as 13y old he can not be prosecuted by Serbian law… Absolutely ridiculous but unfortunately that's how it is. What's going on and how long this will last i don't know but we(humans) are not on the right path. Our world is not the same anymore. God help us 🙏

  30. Our country is becoming a warzone.

  31. If you are worried about gun violence in America, get a gun.