Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke with Chinese President Xi Jinping in what was the first official contact between the two leaders since January 2022. WATCH THE FULL EPISODES OF THE WORLD NEWS TONIGHT: https://abc. com/shows/world-news-tonight WATCH THE WORLD NEWS TONIGHT ON HULU: #worldnewstonight #abcnews #volodymyrzelenskyy #xijinping #ukraine #china #russiaukrainewar
Original source (ABC/Youtube)
There is only one thing China should do now – start fully supporting the Ukrainian side!
All that remains for China to do is to condemn Russia!
China is pursuing its own goals. They are positioning themselves as a mediator for negotiations, but they are turning a blind eye to all the atrocities that Russia is committing in Ukraine. They have never once condemned the actions of a terrorist state
China's neutrality claim in the conflict is viewed with skepticism by some, especially after Xi Jinping's visit to Russia and his proposal of a 12-step plan to end the war
China's offer to mediate in the conflict is met with skepticism by the West, but Kyiv remains cautiously hopeful as it demonstrates China's interest in resolving the conflict
Zelensky's first interaction with Xi Jinping was significant, as described by Vladimir Zelenskyy
I hope China supports Ukraine and condemns Russia's actions. Sometimes it seems that the Chinese are trying to sit on two chairs and please everyone
The Chinese are very cunning people. It's hard for me to imagine whose side they're on.
It is good that China is taking steps to compare the two countries, but the neutrality of China prevents it from becoming a peacekeeper, because the actions of Russia violate absolutely all international norms, but until China admits it, it is unlikely that it can become a peacekeeper
Zelenskyy ordered General Tso's Chicken over the phone…. Xi replied…currently not taking any orders.
How do Xi & Pootin even get to call themselves President.There are no free elections there.
Not 1 inch of Ukraine to terrorist russia 🇺🇦💪🌻⚔️
Crimea & Eastern Ukraine is Ukraine 🇺🇦💙💛 ❇️
invaders get out!🌻
Impeach BIDEN
You know when other World Leaders get together they tell Joe Biden Jokes.
Thank God someone is talking peace!
"No pressure on Ukraine until Ukraine is ready"…so the war is not about Ukraine and Russia and is more about the USAusing Ukraine to weaken Russia. The USA is trying another hybrid diviide and rule inherited manouver to drag India and China into war… Xi and Modi have wisdom and Wid that exceed Zylensky,the imbecile.
Clearly China brings peace. America brings death and war.
Controlling the World.
Russian, China, North Korea. The world are not going to give up our freedom to you.
Nuclear weapons are the only way to stop you.
Xi. You can't have it both ways. World Domination or nuclear Holocaust.
US unlikely to send more $$$ to aid Zelensky, that's why Zelensky and Xi are talking.
Le président chinois Xi va perdre son temps pour rien.
Il devrait laisser tomber.
Les gendarmes du monde, les dirigeants de l'Otan et les médias occidentaux ne sont pas pour la paix.
Ils vont zipper la paix pour que la guerre continue.
The new leader of the world negotiating…America has no interest in peace and the world is tired of it….Off to Africa as you no longer need oil wars…You need mineral wars to build batteries….The American uneducated citizens are as much a problem as there government….NEXT WAR AFRICA….WATCH YOU CRIMINALS
The world would be a better place if USA, Russia, Ukraine, China, Iran and Israel turned to glass.
And where is Biden?? Home eatin ice cream poopin in his depends
शांति का परिंदा कहीं से भी उडे बस शांति होनी चाहिए अशांति नहीं
President Xi is actually helping his buddy Mr Putin to get Ukraine . That's their plan. They are planning to dominate this world by power and economy. That's why they are sending many spies to USA, Europe and all over the world to achieve their mission.